About Us

What We Stand For

SaT stands for:

Sustainable and Transformational

If its not Transformational, we don’t want to do it

If its not Sustainable, we can’t do it

This is why we call it Performance Philanthropy!

SaT Catalyst Vision

The SAT Catalyst Fund Vision is to be an agent – a catalyst, if you will – that creates significant and sustainable transformation through faith-driven, market-based solutions and to increase Church mission effectiveness, congregational engagement and community relations.

SaT Catalyst Fund does not offer investments as private offerings, but as philanthropic donation opportunities.

engage audiences with increased Online Presence

Business Relationships

Signficant Matters, parent company

The SAT Catalyst Fund is an initiative of Significant Matters, a 501(c)3 public charity. Significant Matters helps churches move beyond simple Charity and short-term fixes to what we call Missions 3.0. Missions 3.0 is that work which is both sustainable and transformational, which includes Impact Investing or Business as Mission. To facilitate this move, Significant Matters offers a number of workshops, events and consulting services designed to educate and motivate action. 

More information about Significant Matters can be found at www.significantmatters.com. A free online library of videos from our SaTtalks, a TED talk-type of event, can be found at www.SaTtalks.org.

EquityVest, sister company

Significant Matters owns another company, EquityVest.  EquityVest is a FINRA-registered equity crowdfunding platform for the faith-driven community, where anyone can invest in entrepreneurs, businesses and causes they believe in.  It brings together entrepreneurs and investors who believe it is possible to run a business that both fuels the enterprise and evidences the virtues and vision of our Christian faith. 

More information about EquityVest can be found at https://equityvest.org/

Our Leadership

We Believe In Significant & Sustainable Transformation

Learn more about our leadership team and how they invest their lives in creating sustainable and transformative solutions for donor-investors. 

Want to Learn More About SaT Catalyst Fund?

We Look Forward to Connecting with You

Wayne L. McDaniel

Wayne is a Certified Financial Planning Practitioner (CFP) and a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) with over 40 years’ experience working with individuals and families on financial strategies.  His personal life mission, since 1990, has been to help people increase their capacity to live and to give.

Eternally curious, Wayne has the unusual capacity to connect the dots and find creative, but solid ways of helping clients do more than they thought they could do.  He is never satisfied with the status quo, but always seeks to find better, more successful approaches to solving problems.

On a personal basis, Wayne, and his wife, Jude, are committed to doing whatever they can to make the world a better place.  They believe, “we are here on earth to help others and whatever God has blessed us with is for us to bless others.” They have two wonderful grown children and two grandchildren.

Tom BAssford

Rev. Tom Bassford is the founder and Executive Director of Significant Matters, Inc. He pastored for 30-plus years before starting Significant Matters in 2005 as a way to extend his pastoral duties and leadership for missions to the Church at large. He brings a unique combination of church, not-for-profit, and executive insight in his role. His experience has been in both US and international fields and he has helped churches, businesses, city governments and various other organizations move their charitable work and missional efforts toward more sustainable solutions.