Donor-Investor Resources

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Sat Catalyst Fund

Donor-Investor Resources

Ready to Open a Designated Program Related Investment (PRI) Account and Customize the Projects you can invest in? 

What We Do

Through the work of Significant Matters and SAT Catalyst Fund, we provide a number of valuable benefits.

Investment Criteria

In order to participate in our program, a business must meet several criteria.


What Else Do You Need To Know?

Legal Documents

Terms and Conditions & SaT Catalyst PRI Account Agreement.

Performance Philanthropy

Learn more about performance philanthropy through the SaT Catalyst Fund and PRI Investments.

SaT Talks

A video library of Sustainable and Transformational talks by business leaders, pastors and ministries

What else Do You need to know?

Frequently Asked Questions

PRIs are permitted under Section 4944(c) of the tax code.  According to the IRS, “Program-related investments (PRIs) are those in which: The primary purpose is to accomplish one or more of the foundation’s exempt purposes. Click Here to learn more.

This is closely related to Mission Related Investments (MRIs), which also further the mission of the sponsoring non-profit but with more of an emphasis on financial return.  The IRS has validated MRIs with Notice 2015-62.

A Designated PRI Account is an account which is advised or directed by an individual or organization who makes contributions to a non-profit for the purpose of making investments which are consistent with the charitable purpose and mission of the sponsoring organization.

A DAF is established primarily to make grants to 501(c)3 organizations. A designated PRI Account is established primarily to make impact investments.

No. To maintain our 501(c)3 status, we must maintain ultimate decision authority.  However, our purpose is to help you achieve your charitable Impact goals and to do so, we want to honor your desires, and will, as long as they do not conflict with our Christian ideals.

All deposits into an account are tax-deductible as charitable contributions. 

We do not restrict the industry or size of business. We may invest in any type of business, non-profit or organization that meets our financial and missional criteria.  The investment may be in the form of equity or debt.

This varies by country and locality, type of business, individual borrower factors and SAT Catalyst Fund costs. We always charge a below-market rate. Rates are typically in the 3% to 10% range.

This varies with the investment and how the is structured. Some loans may be as short as one year and others as long as six. Repayments may be made monthly, quarterly or at other intervals. If it is an equity investment, it depends upon how successful the business is.

Yes!  Business investments always carry risk and losses will be incurred no matter how carefully they are vetted.  However, whatever is returned to the account, even if it is not 100%, is more than what is returned with a charitable donation, which is always -100%.

We credit payments to your Designated PRI Account.  You may then advise us on how you would like the funds to be reinvested.  If you choose to not reinvest the funds, then they will be granted to the Beneficiary Charity you have chosen.

We credit payments to your Designated PRI Account.  You may then advise us on how you would like the funds to be reinvested.  If you choose to not reinvest the funds, then they will be granted to the Beneficiary Charity you have chosen.

You are right. It is not possible for us to be the eyes, hands and feet everywhere. Therefore, we have created strategic alliances with other organizations for this purpose. Some of their work is in sensitive areas of the world and they have requested that we not publish their names for their protection and the safety of those in the ground.  We also want to create partnerships with the mission work you are already involved in, bringing a higher level of sustainability to those missions.

Technically, the funds belong to the SATCatalyst Fund, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Significant Matters, Inc. However, by a legal agreement, the funds contributed by the church and its congregation will be returned to the church upon demand, as liquidity permits, I.e., as distributions are received.

The IRS has several guidelines pertaining to making “Program Related Investments” and “Mission Related Investments.” Your Church bylaws may conflict with the IRS rules for these types of investments, which could jeopardize your tax exemption. In addition, certain investment opportunities could create Unrelated Business Taxable Income (UBIT), creating a tax liability. Finally, investing directly in businesses opens the church up to potential liability if something should go awry.  The way we have structured this with the SAT Catalyst Fund, circumvents all of these land mines, protecting the church.

About Us

Learn More About SaT Catalyst Fund

The SAT catalyst Fund invests in projects which have been vetted for feasibility and missional impact.

The SaT Catalyst Fund is an LLC wholly owned and operated by Significant Matters, a 501(c)3 public charity.  SaT Catalyst Fund does not offer investments as private offerings, but as philanthropic donation opportunities.

Learn More about SaT Catalyst Fund

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What We Do

Investment Criteria

In order to participate in our program, a business must meet several criteria.

Investment Criteria

  • Missional Impact. A business must either directly or indirectly be involved in expanding the Kingdom of God. We interpret this as providing a positive social benefit with gospel proclamation or supporting a Christian family or ministry.  However, we recognize that people and organizations have varying criteria for understanding this, to which we are sensitive.
  • Profitability. If a business cannot be profitable, then it is not sustainable and is not feasible long term.
  • Legal. It must be possible to establish and run the business within the regulatory environment of the locality in which it exists.
  • Environmentally friendly. We do not want to invest in businesses that harm the environment and hence the people therein.
  • Business acumen. The persons running the business must have the knowledge, skills, character, and personality necessary to make it work.

How It Works