
Whether you are an individual, family, church, business or foundation, we exist to help you invest Charitable Dollars into sustainable and transformative organizations.

Who We Serve


With SaT Catalyst, you can grow your impact through investing your charitable dollars into businesses and organizations solving the problems you believe in. You can even propose new ones and create your own impact investments!

You decide who you want to support and how much, and we invest your impact funds accordingly by making a loan or equity investment in the organization. 

The Organization is able to grow and increase its impact on the community. The Organization then repays the investment, replenishing your funds so you can give again, and again with the same dollars.

Donor Investor

Individuals & Families

An individual may donate money directly to the SAT Catalyst Fund or they may direct their Donor Advised Fund (DAF) at a foundation to invest in the Fund. In either case, we open an account for the individual or DAF. The individual may advise on which investments they want their dollars to be allocated to and/or the churches they would like their funds to be used as a match.  The individual also has the right to direct the residual proceeds of the fund to their DAF at a foundation or other beneficial charity.



 The SAT Catalyst Fund is meant to be a catalyst for churches and their business-minded people to work together on enterprise solutions THROUGH THEIR CHURCH.  We work with your mission committee and business-minded donors to leverage, or multiply the dollars you have to invest in Sutainable and Transformational ventures. 

Donor Investor


Businesses as well as private and public foundations may also invest through the SAT Catalyst Fund to further their philanthropic vision.

Who We Invest In


We offer three primary types of ventures you may invest in:

  • Equity or loans to businesses raising start-up capital or expansion capital.  They may be located in the US or anywhere around the world.
  • Loans to non-profits that are raising money for specific projects which they anticipate being able to pay back.  An example might be a real estate loan or church bond.
  • Custom-designed ventures.  These are projects we design jointly to accomplish yours and the non-profits goals.

Resources for Donor-Investors

How It Works

  1. Open a Designated PRI Account here.
  2. Fund your account. You may do this by check, credit card or transferring an existing DAF.  Speak to us if you would like to donate assets such as real estate or stocks.
  3. Recommend Investments. You may select from the offerings we have or you may suggest your own.  We are very flexible and able to customize impactful opportunities.
  4. Monitor your investments. Keep track of the organizations you have invested in and the impact they are making.
  5. Re-invest. As investment capital and earnings are returned, they get deposited in your account.  You may either reinvest or grant out to charities of your choice.

About Us

Learn More About SaT Catalyst Fund

The SAT catalyst Fund invests in projects which have been vetted for feasibility and missional impact.

The SaT Catalyst Fund is an LLC wholly owned and operated by Significant Matters, a 501(c)3 public charity.  SaT Catalyst Fund does not offer investments as private offerings, but as philanthropic donation opportunities.

Learn More about SaT Catalyst Fund

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